600 Patterson Rd. Dayton, OH 45419
(937) 299-9595

德頓華人基督教會章程 (修訂) (DCCC Bylaws)

Dayton Chinese Christian Church


本教會中文定名為”德頓華人基督教會”,英文定名 Dayton Chinese Christian Church, SBC  (以下簡稱本教會)。


  • 遵照聖經的教訓,實行神所吩咐,所喜悅的事。
  • 聯絡信仰相同,重生得救的基督徒,同心合意敬拜 神,事奉 神。
  • 對內:在主內彼此相愛,互相扶持,造就信徒,使人人生命長大成熟。
  • 對外:藉聖靈之帶領,廣傳福音,多結果子,完成主所吩咐的大使命。


  • 篤信新舊約原文聖經是 神所默示的,無錯誤、無增減、是信徒信仰及生活的最高準則。
  • 篤信 神是聖父、聖子、聖靈三位一體之獨一真神,創造宇宙萬物主宰。
  • 篤信耶穌基督是 神的獨生子,由聖靈感孕,藉童女馬利亞所生,道成肉身,是完全的 神,完全的人,也是 神和人中間唯一的中保,擔當世人的罪,流出寶血,死於十字架上,死後三天復活、升天、將來再臨,迎提教會,審判世界,設立天國直到永遠。
  • 篤信聖靈有位格,感動世人悔改重生,運行並住在信徒心中作保惠師、訓誨師,信徒因此得能力,進入真理。
  • 篤信人原是照著 神的形像和樣式造的,因犯罪而墮落,遂喪失其屬靈生命而死於罪惡過犯之中,人從此屈服在魔鬼權勢下,我們深信唯獨經由聖靈的重生,人方能得著救贖之恩及屬靈的生命。
  • 篤信唯獨主耶穌基督的寶血能成就人類救贖大工,我們深信信徒得救在乎信靠基督。
  • 篤信浸禮和主餐是教會必守的聖禮和聖儀,它們是聖經為今世教會所定的見證。
  • 有關信仰的其他細節,請參照美南浸信會1963年5月9日所接納的浸信會信仰與信息。
  • 根据圣经我们相信婚姻是一男一女的结合。


  • 資格:凡篤信並接受耶穌基督為其個人救主,已受洗禮,有重生之見證,且衷心接受本教會之章程者,均得申請為會員。
  • 會員種類及入會程序:


  • 凡口頭承認本會信仰並於生活中有相當明證者,或持有其他(相同信仰之)教會之轉會信函者,均可接納為本教會會友。
  • 未受洗者可填寫受浸會申請書,經牧師及執事會認可,於接受浸禮後即成為正式會員。
  • 正式會員分為活動性及非活動性會員(見第四章,(4),c)。


       凡非本教會正式會員而具備該等資格,樂意關心且贊助本教會之聖工者,可填寫贊助會員申請書,經         執事會接納後,即成為贊助會員。

  • 權益
  1. 正式會員可享本教會各種權益,唯有會員大會中,表決權與被選權僅賦與年滿十八歲或以上者。
  2. 贊助會員除在會員大會中無表決權與被選權外,其權益與正式會員同。
  • 會員資格之轉變與消失
  1. 正式會員若轉籍其他教會或遷移本地後,得申請為贊助會員,否則會員資格自動消失。
  2. 會員於死亡後,其會員資格自動消失。
  3. 正式會員如連續三個月未曾參加本教會之任何固定性聚會,而未向牧師或執事會提出適當理由並表示願意為正式會員者,得被列為非活動性會員。非活動性會員無表決權與被選權,但可提出書面建議,如欲恢復其活動性會員資格,可向執事會提出申請,經執事會接納而恢復之。
  4. 凡有會員參與任何和聖經準則或本章程之信仰有抵觸之活動,或從事任何損及本教會利益之活動,執事會在三分之二多數票通過後,得撤銷其會籍。執行任何懲戒行動之先,執事會和牧師應本乎馬太福音十八章十五至廿節之精神,盡可能從事公正和仔細的調查,當將調查結果告知當事會員。


  • 會員大會為本教會最高議事及決策會議。
  • 週年會員大會於每年十一月間由執事會主席召開。
  • 週年會員大會應包括如下之程序:接納上次會員大會之記錄;b.牧師工作報告及計劃;c.執事會及事工小組工作報告;d.討論事項及議案;e.選舉執事。
  • 臨時會員大會於必要時得由執事會召開,或應三分之一以上活動性會員聯名以書面向執事會要求而於兩個月內召開。
  • 會員大會之召開,須於會期前兩週,以書面通知所有活動性正式會員。
  • 會員大會之法定人數,為活動性正式會員總數之三分之二。
  • 選舉以無記名式選票方式舉行。


  • 本教會牧師以祈禱、傳道、興旺福音為事,做群羊的榜樣,餵養羊群,並主持本教會之各項聖禮。
  • 牧師得為講台委員會之主席,講台委員會負責講台之安排。
  • 牧師需與執事會共同商討策劃及執行教會各項聖工。
  • 牧師應於每年年初向執事會提出是年工作異象及方針,並於該年第十一個月(會計年度前一個月),與執事會分享討論工作成果。
  • 牧師之聘請及續聘需由三分之二以上之執事通過後,向會員大會推薦,經會員大會出席之活動性正式會員人數四分之三以上同意而聘請之。
  • 牧師之任期,初聘一年,續聘三年,得續聘之。
  • 牧師之辭職,至少須於離職前三個月,以書面向執事會提出,但在特殊情況下,得由執事會酌情決定。
  • 牧師之解聘須由三分之二以上執事通過後提出,或由二分之一以上活動性會員以書面向執事會提出,經召開會員大會,以出席之活動性正式會員人數三分之二以上之同意而成立,之後執事會以書面通知牧師,其解聘補貼及生效日期由執事會決定。


  • 執事之選出,執事後選人,需具備下列所有條件:
  1. 成為基督徒 並受洗三年以上,且年齡須在三十歲以上。
  2. 成為本教會活動性正式會員不少於十二個月。
  3. 在本教會內外生活均有見證,並符合提摩太前書第三章一至十三節之標準者。
  4. 經執事會提名並與牧師協商,或由至少百分之三十的活動性正式會員簽名交執事會審核。
  5. 執事會成員五人,其數目增減有該屆執事會提議,由會員大會通過。
  6. 執事必須盡量參與禱告會、查經班、及其他各種聚會,在生活上和什一奉獻上,作會眾的榜樣。
  7. 被提名者需同意。
  8. 正式會員家庭,只能有一位作執事。
  • 執事的當選和任期:
  1. 執事由會員大會出席之活動性正式會員就執事候選人中投票選出,獲得投票總數三分之二或以上者當選,任期兩年,連選得連任一次(須經當事人同意),連任一次後,須於休息一年後始有再被提名的資格,新執事於元月一日就任。
  2. 執事中途出缺時,由前任輪休的執事優先遞補,但其任期只限於出缺執事所剩之期限,或由當時執事會決定。
  • 執事會的組織:
  1. 主席一人,由執事中互選之,得票半數以上,連選得連任(須經當事人同意)。
  2. 例會每月主席召開一次,如遇特別事故,得由主席召開臨時會議。
  3. 會議之法定出席人數,為當屆執事人數之三分之二,其選舉以無記名方式投票。
  • 執事會之職權:
  1. 代表會員大會休會期最高議事及決策的組織。
  2. 負責解釋本教會之章程。
  3. 協助牧師作輔導會員靈性成長的各樣事工。
  4. 策劃及推行各項靈修、宣道、講台、總務、財務及其他一切有關本教會之事工。
  5. 制備本教會本年度之結算,及擬定次年度之預算;本教會會計年度為一月一日至十二月卅一日。
  6. 按需要決定下屆執事人數,得與牧師協商提名下屆執事候選人,交會員大會以選舉之。
  7. 負責本教會各項有關人事之決定。
  8. 對外得以”德頓華人基督教會執事會”代表本教會,負責法律交涉及財產轉移。
  9. 決定牧師之薪俸和福利。
  • 執事會之免職:



  • 章程之修改,得由執事會提出,或由三分之一以上活動性正式會員聯名,以書面向執事會提出,於召開會員大會前,由執事會公佈擬修改之項目與內容。
  • 章程之修改須經會員大會出席之活動性正式會員人數三分之二以上通過。





Dayton Chinese Christian Church Bylaws


The Chinese name of this church is “德頓華人基督教會” and the English name is Dayton Chinese Christian Church, SBC (hereinafter referred to as this church).

Purposes and Practices

To follow the teachings of the Bible and practice what God desires and commands to glorify Him.

To connect Christians alike and who are born again and saved, to worship together and serve God with one heart.

Internally: Love each other in the Lord, support each other, build up believers, and assist everyone’s life as they grow and mature.

Externally: Under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, spread the gospel, bear spiritual fruits, and complete the great commission commanded by the Lord.

Doctrines and Faith

The original text of the New and Old Testaments is inspired by God, without error, without addition or subtraction, and is the highest standard for believers’ faith and life.

God is the only true God of the Trinity of Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. He is the creator of the universe and the master of all things.

Jesus Christ is the only Son of God, conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, and incarnated. He is a perfectly God, a perfectly man, and the only mediator between God and man. He bore the sins of the world, shed His precious blood, died on the cross, resurrected three days after His death, ascended to heaven, and will come again in the future to rapture the church, judge the world, and establish the kingdom of heaven forever.

The Holy Spirit has a personality, moving the world to repent and be reborn, operating and living in the hearts of believers as a comforter and counselor, so that believers gain power and enter into and understood the truth.

Man was created in the image and likeness of God but chose to sin and lost his spiritual life and died in sin and transgression. Man has since succumbed to the power of his sinful nature. We firmly believe that only through the rebirth of the Holy Spirit can man obtain the grace of salvation and spiritual life.

We firmly believe that only the precious blood of the Lord Jesus Christ can accomplish the great work of human salvation. We firmly believe that believers’ salvation depends on trusting in Christ.

We firmly believe that baptism and the Lord’s Supper are sacraments and rituals that must be observed by the church. They are the testimonies set by the Bible for the church today.

For other details of faith, please refer to the Baptist Faith and Message accepted by the Southern Baptist Convention on May 9, 1963.

According to the Bible, we believe that marriage is a union between one man and one woman.


Qualifications: Anyone who believes in and accepts Jesus Christ as his or her personal savior, has been baptized, has a testimony of renewed life, and wholeheartedly accepts the bylaws of this church can apply to become a member.

Membership types and admission procedures:

  • Formal members

Anyone who verbally acknowledges the faith of this church and has considerable testimony in their daily life, or who holds a transfer letter from another church (of the same faith), can be accepted as a member of this church.

Those who have not been baptized can fill out the Baptismal Application Form, which will be approved by the pastor and the deacon council and become a formal member after being baptized.

Formal members are divided into active and inactive members. See below.

  • Sponsor Members

Anyone who is not a formal member of this church but has such qualifications and is willing to care about and sponsor the holy work of this church can fill out the sponsor member application form. After being accepted by the Deacon Council, he will become a sponsor member.


  1. Formal members can enjoy various rights and interests of this church, but the right to vote and be elected in the general meeting of members is only given to those who are 18 years old or above.
  2. Sponsor members have the same rights and interests as formal members except that they do not have the right to vote and be elected in the general meeting of members.

Change and disappearance of membership qualifications

  1. Formal members can apply to become sponsor members if they transfer to other churches or move to the local area, otherwise their membership qualifications will automatically terminate.
  2. Members’ membership qualifications will automatically terminate after their death.
  3. If a formal member has not attended any regular gathering of the church for three consecutive months and has not provided the pastor or the deacon council with appropriate reasons and expressed his willingness to become a formal member, he may be classified as an inactive member. Inactive members do not have the right to vote or be elected, but they can make written proposals. If they wish to restore their active membership, they can apply to the deacon council and be restored after acceptance by the deacon council.
  4. If any member participates in any activities that conflict with the biblical principles or the beliefs of the bylaws or engages in any activities that harm the interests of the church, the deacon council may revoke his membership after a two-thirds majority vote. Before taking any disciplinary action, the deacons and pastors should conduct a fair and careful investigation as much as possible in accordance with the spirit of Matthew 18:15-20, and inform the member concerned of the results of the investigation.

General Assembly

The General Assembly of the church is the highest decision-making body of the church.

The annual general assembly is convened and chaired by the chairman of the deacons in November every year.

The annual general assembly should include the following procedures: a. Acceptance of the minutes of the previous general assembly; b. Pastor’s work report and plan; c. Deacons and ministry team work report; d. Discussion of matters and proposals; e. Election of deacons.

An interim general meeting may be convened by the Deacons when necessary, or within two months upon a written request from more than one-third of the active members.

The convening of a general meeting shall be notified to all active formal members in writing two weeks before the meeting.

The quorum for a general meeting shall be two-thirds of the total number of active formal members.

Elections shall be held by anonymous ballot.


The pastors of this church shall be examples to the flock, feed the flock, and preside over the sacraments of this church by praying, preaching, and promoting the gospel.

The pastor may be the chairman of the pulpit committee, which is responsible for the filling of the pulpit.

Pastors need to consult with the Deacons to plan and carry out various sacred works of the church.

Pastors should present the vision and policy of the year to the Deacons at the beginning of each year and share and discuss the work results with the Deacons in the eleventh month of that year (the month before the fiscal year).

The appointment and renewal of pastors must be approved by more than two-thirds of the deacons and recommended to the general meeting of members. They can be hired with the consent of more than three-quarters of the active formal members attending the general meeting.

The term of office of a pastor is one year for the initial appointment and three years for renewal.

The resignation of a pastor must be submitted to the Deacons in writing at least three months before leaving office. In special circumstances, exceptions are allowed at the discretion of the Deacons.

The dismissal of a pastor must be proposed after being approved by more than two-thirds of the deacons, or by more than half of the active members in writing to the Deacon Council. Then the deacon council will notify the pastor in writing, and the severance and effective date will be determined by the Deacon Council.

Deacon Council

The elected deacons and deacon candidates must meet all of the following conditions:

  1. Become a Christian and be baptized for more than three years, and the age must be over 30 years old.
  2. Be an active formal member of this church for no less than twelve months.
  3. Have testimony both inside and outside the church and meet the standards of 1 Timothy 3: 1-13.
  4. Be nominated by the Deacon Council, consulting with the pastors, or nominated by a petition by at least 30% of the active formal members and submitted to the Deacon Council for review.
  5. The Deacon Council has five members, and the number of members is increased or decreased by the proposal of the Deacon Council of that term and must be approved by the general meeting of members.
  6. Deacons must participate in prayer meetings, Bible study classes, and other gatherings as much as possible, and set an example for the congregation in life and tithes.
  7. The nominee must agree.
  8. There can only be one deacon in a formal member family.

Election and term of office of deacons:

  1. Deacons are elected by active formal members attending the general meeting of members from among the candidates for deacons. Those who receive two-thirds or more of the total votes are elected for a term of two years. They can be re-elected once (with the consent of the parties concerned). After being re-elected once, they must rest for one year before they are eligible for re-nomination. New deacons take office on January 1.
  2. When a deacon position becomes vacant, the previous deacon who is on leave will be given priority to fill the position, but his or her term of office is limited to the remaining term of the vacant deacon or determined by the then deacon council.

Organization of the deacon council:

  1. One chairman, elected by the deacons, can be re-elected if he or she receives more than half of the votes (with the consent of the parties concerned).
  2. The chairman convenes a regular meeting once a month. In case of special circumstances, the chairman may convene an ad hoc meeting.
  3. The quorum for a deacon meeting is two-thirds of the number of deacons of the currently serving, and business is conducted by anonymous ballot.

Powers of the Deacon Council:

  1. Represent the church for the highest level of discussion and decision-making during the adjournment period of the General Assembly.
  2. Responsible for explaining the bylaws of the church.
  3. Assist pastors in various ministries to guide members’ spiritual growth.
  4. Plan and implement various spiritual exercises, preaching, pulpit, general affairs, finance and all other ministries related to the church.
  5. Prepare the annual report of the church for the current year and formulate the budget for the next year; the fiscal year of the church is from January 1 to December 31.
  6. Determine the number of deacons for the next term as needed and consult with pastors to nominate candidates for the next term of deacons and submit those names to the General Assembly for election.
  7. Responsible for all personnel decisions of the church.
  8. The “Deacon Council of the Chinese Christian Church” can represent the church externally and be responsible for legal negotiations and property transfers.
  9. Decide on the salary and benefits of pastors.

Dismissal from the Deacon Council:

If the beliefs, life, words and deeds of a deacon conflict with the Bible and the bylaws of the church, his/her duties shall be terminated with the approval of two-thirds or more of the other deacons.

Amendment of the bylaw

The amendment of the bylaws may be proposed by the Deacon Council, or by more than one-third of the active formal members in writing to the Deacon Council. Before the general meeting of members, the Deacon Council shall announce the items and contents to be amended.

The amendment of the bylaws must be approved by more than two-thirds of the active formal members attending the general meeting of members.

Supplementary Provisions

The bylaws were amended and accepted by the general meeting on December 19, 2022 and took effect immediately.