600 Patterson Rd. Dayton, OH 45419
(937) 299-9595

信仰宣言(Statement of Faith)

Dayton Chinese Christian Church

信仰宣言 (Statement of Faith)

  1. 篤信新舊約原文聖經是 神所默示的,無錯誤、無增減、是信徒信仰及生活的最高準則。
  2. 篤信 神是聖父、聖子、聖靈三位一體之獨一真神,創造宇宙萬物主宰。
  3. 篤信耶穌基督是 神的獨生子,由聖靈感孕,藉童女馬利亞所生,道成肉身,是完全的 神,完全的人,也是 神和人中間唯一的中保,擔當世人的罪,流出寶血,死於十字架上,死後三天復活、升天、將來再臨,迎提教會,審判世界,設立天國直到永遠。
  4. 篤信聖靈有位格,感動世人悔改重生,運行並住在信徒心中作保惠師、訓誨師,信徒因此得能力,進入真理。
  5. 篤信人原是照著 神的形像和樣式造的,因犯罪而墮落,遂喪失其屬靈生命而死於罪惡過犯之中,人從此屈服在魔鬼權勢下,我們深信唯獨經由聖靈的重生,人方能得著救贖之恩及屬靈的生命。
  6. 篤信唯獨主耶穌基督的寶血能成就人類救贖大工,我們深信信徒得救在乎信靠基督。
  7. 篤信浸禮和主餐是教會必守的聖禮和聖儀,它們是聖經為今世教會所定的見證。
  8. 有關信仰的其他細節,請參照美南浸信會1963年5月9日所接納的浸信會信仰與信息。
  1. We firmly believe that the original text of the Old and New Testaments of the Bible is inspired by God, without error, without addition or subtraction, and is the highest standard for believers’ faith and life.
  2. We firmly believe that God is the only true God of the Trinity of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, the creator of the universe and the master of all things.
  3. We firmly believe that Jesus Christ is the only Son of God, conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, incarnated, a perfect God, a perfect man, and the only mediator between God and man, who bore the sins of the world, shed His precious blood, died on the cross, resurrected three days after His death, ascended to heaven, will come again in the future, usher in the church, judge the world, and establish the kingdom of heaven forever.
  4. We firmly believe that the Holy Spirit has a personality, moving the world to repent and be reborn, operating and living in the hearts of believers as a comforter and admonisher, so that believers gain power and enter into the truth.
  5. We firmly believe that man was created in the image and likeness of God, but fell into sin and lost his spiritual life and died in sin and transgression. Man has since succumbed to the power of the devil. We firmly believe that only through the rebirth of the Holy Spirit can man obtain the grace of salvation and spiritual life.
  6. We firmly believe that only the precious blood of the Lord Jesus Christ can accomplish the great work of human salvation. We firmly believe that believers are saved by trusting in Christ.
  7. We firmly believe that baptism and the Lord’s Supper are sacraments and rituals that the church must observe. They are the testimonies set by the Bible for the church today.
  8. For other details of faith, please refer to the Baptist Faith and Message accepted by the Southern Baptist Convention on May 9, 1963.