600 Patterson Rd. Dayton, OH 45419
(937) 299-9595


Year 2024 DCCC Theme: Renew Life, Spread the gospel


您一定能在我們中间找到知音和一個温馨的基督之家! 不论是礼拜天的双語主日崇拜及主日学,或是週间适合不同年龄层的各个团契, 以及专为亚洲人設計的英語会话班, 我們都诚挚的欢迎您全家来到属于您的教会, 充充滿滿有上帝的话语、基督的爱並圣灵的交通。

Welcome to DCCC !

You will definitely find a soulmate and a warm Christian home among us! Whether it is the bilingual Sunday worship and Sunday school on Sunday, or the various fellowships suitable for different age groups during the week, as well as the English conversation class designed specifically for Asians, we sincerely welcome your family to come to your church, full of God’s Word, Christ’s love and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit



Seeking a part-time Youth Director


近期教会活动 (Upcoming Events)

2024 秋季培灵布道会 (10/18 – 10/20)



高舉基督 基於聖經 宣揚福音 分享主愛 充滿主恩

Exalt Christ, Based on the Bible, Preach the Gospel,

Share the Love of God, Full of the Grace of God